
Should we chase the next big thing

After 30 years in the technology business, one of the major lessons I have learnt is not to experiment with a Client system. I’ve seen many ground breaking technologies and a lot of them have taken us all down some blind alleys, as cool as they are. The smart thing is to adopt leading edge and not bleeding edge and to take an approach that will ensure there is scope for addition and change during the life of the asset and the installed systems. There is no doubt that the technology industry continues to move at an extraordinary pace. We hope we can both show you what’s interesting and fun and out there but when it comes to implementing a system, take you down the route of robust, easy to use but with some fun and James Bond type trickery too.

I do hope you enjoy our first newsletter, our new web site and would like to take this opportunity to wish you season’s greetings and a happy and prosperous 2017.
