It is our pleasure to advise that after a lengthy and very involved assessment process, we are now SSIP (Safety Schemes In Procurement) approved. Our company name will appear on the SSIP portal for our potential clients to search us.
When a contractor is SSIP certified, it means their health and safety management processes have been evaluated and meet the HSE backed, SSIP Core Criteria. This certification helps businesses avoid undergoing multiple assessments when they are bidding for work, reducing cost, saving time and simplifying procurement processes.
For clients (buyers), this means reduced risk by engaging contractors who are SSIP certified, simplified procurement processes as suppliers have already been assessed against the SSIP Core Criteria, allowing them to skip the initial health and safety vetting stage of the vetting process. Not having to evaluate each individual suppliers results in significant cost efficiency savings, all with the knowledge the supplier has demonstrated a commitment to maintaining high health and safety standards.
This approval has a significant baring on contract award from our clients. Having this approval enters us onto the SSIP portal where Clients can search for suppliers in specific fields, giving us increased visibility , it also assures them that Icon Connect are compliant with their Health & Safety legal requirements which ultimately makes us more appealing to prospective clients and projects.
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